Terms of Use of the “live4free.com” Website

Welcome to the “live4free.com” website (hereinafter: the “Site” or “live4free.com”)
(Hereinafter: the “Site Administrator” or the “Company”)
Before use of the Site, please ensure that you have read and agreed to the Conditions and Terms of Use of the Site.
If you do not agree to the terms, please do not register for the Site or make any use thereof.
Use of the Site is subject to this document below. Please read the Terms of Use of the Site (hereinafter: the “Terms of Use”)

Your entry to and use of the Site indicates your consent to the following terms:
The Terms of Use of the Site refers to the Site appearing under the domain name of LIVE4FREE.COM.
Where these Terms refer to a “User” or “Viewer”, the same will refer to a person/s or that makes use of the Site through the Internet, including through cellular communication.
Some sections of the Site may contain additional terms of use and/or conditions, which explicitly relate to the same version or service. Use of the aforesaid sections and services is subject both to these Terms of Use as well as to the specific terms and agreements that relate to them.
In this document, the Site Administrator refers to the Site’s employees, managers, owners, and the parties acting on its behalf or in its name.
This agreement, which specifies the terms of the engagement between the Companyand customer, is the only agreement formed between the parties. The Company will not be liable for any declaration or agreement that is not included in this Agreement, unless made in writing in a notice to the customer, after the commencement of this Agreement.
The Site Administrator may change the Terms of Use of the Site from time to time, without being required to provide notice, and the Users of the Site are responsible for remaining updated as to the changes.
You are aware that non-compliance, inter alia, with the three sections below, may cause serious damage to the reputation of the Site, and other factors.
Therefore, you undertake to indemnify and/or compensate the Site and/or any other entity for any damage caused as a result.
Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act. The Platform is a Community Member-driven interactive platform with content provided by Independent Broadcasters, and pursuant to Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, we are immune from suit for materials published through the Platform by Community Members. As such, we are not liable for content published by Community Members. As we operate an online platform and we are not in the business of producing or presenting cam broadcasts, we have endeavored to keep our rules to a minimum imposing only those we feel are necessary for the safety of Community Members, to comply with applicable law, and the continued operation of the Platform.

Information Appearing on the Site
The Site Administrator has sole discretion in deciding which content, as stated, will appear on the Site, the length of time during which it will appear, the placement and design, and all other matters related to the placement thereof on the Site.
The Site Administrator will not be responsible for any direct or indirect damage, financial or otherwise, caused to any party as a result of use of and/or reliance on the services and the data appearing on the Site, or information and content appearing thereon.
The Site Administrator will not bear any responsibility for any mistake in the information published on the Site, and will not bear any responsibility for misleading and/or false information appearing on the profile pages of a User of the Site.
The Site Administrator will not be responsible for information and content published on live4free.com by any users and/or third parties or any result that may arise from reliance thereon and/or use thereof.
One should use extra caution and be critical of information published on the Internet, including information published on live4free.com, including in any section of the Site. The Site Administrator will not be responsible for its reliability, credibility, accuracy or completion. No information appearing on the Site constitutes a substitute for checking the content published.
Information Provided by Users of live4free.com
The information provided for publication on live4free.com will be partially concealed from all of the users of the Internet and/or subscribers of the Site. Nevertheless, one should exercise extra caution in providing personal information (such as an address or telephone number), as well as in responses and communication following the use of live4free.com or following publication of personal details.
The Site Administrator will do its utmost to maintain confidentiality of the names and details of Users of the Site, including details of payment methods and email addresses; however, the Site Administrator will not bear any responsibility in the case of hacking into the database of the Site and abuse of details contained therein.
In addition, the Site has a system that enables Users to upload and/or save and/or attach images and/or video that will be defined by the User as confidential, and only will be visible to other Users with the explicit permission of the User. It is hereby clarified that the Site Administrator does not guarantee that the system will work properly and without malfunctions. The Site Administrator also does not guarantee that these image and/or video files, defined by the User as confidential, will not be exposed to Users who are not authorized to view the same files. A User that uploads an image and/or video file, and that defines them as confidential, does so at its sole responsibility, and is aware that as a result of any malfunction with the code of the Site and/or as a result of hacking into the Company’s servers and the like, the image and/or video files may be exposed to unauthorized Users and the User releases the Site Administrator and/or a third party from any complaint and/or claim.
Notwithstanding the above, the Site Administrator will not be liable for any damage of any kind, direct or indirect, caused to a User or any other entity, in the case in which the information reaches a hostile entity and/or is used without authorization, whether intentionally or due to negligence.
By registering for the live4free.com site, you authorize the Site Administrator to include you in the list of customers of the Site.
The Site Administrator will make all efforts in order to avoid providing personal information of its customers to a third party other than in the case of an omission that harms or may harm the Site and/or any third parties, including customers of live4free.com or in the case of use of the live4free.com services for performing an illegal action or in the case of a breach of the terms of this Agreement.
In addition, the Site Administrator may expose the User’s details in any case of a dispute or legal proceeding between it and the User.
Without derogating from the above, all of the information provided by users of the Site, which when being inputted into the Site are not defined in advance as confidential, such as last names, means of payment, and the like, may be used, copied, distributed, performed publically, authorized to a third party, published or translated, and the User hereby waives any claim related to the same information published on the Site.

Manner of Use of the Site’s Services
live4free.com is a website that operates on the Internet.
You are solely responsible for any contact between you and any other User of our Services.
live4free.com compiles for users of the Site the profile pages of individuals registered for the Site, as prepared by the Users.
By registering for the Site, you may use any of the pages of the Site and view any pages of registered Users.
Use of the Site’s content is largely contingent on payment via the payment methods as set forth on the Site.
The Site User receives a limited license to use the content of the Site for a limited time.
It is hereby clarified that the term of use cannot be ceased, expired and/or accumulated without special permission from the Site Administrator.
In addition, it is hereby clarified that the license is personal and non-transferable.
The license is provided to the User subject to the terms of the purchase and/or use appearing on the Site.
By confirming this Agreement, the User declares that use of any content of the Site will take place for personal use alone, and the User will not make any commercial use of the content contained on the Site.
Use for this purpose includes copying content and distributing it for profit.
In the case of a dispute and/or disagreements between the Site Administrator and a User, the data contained in the database of the Site Administrator on the servers will constitute conclusive evidence for rulings in a dispute and will constitute conclusive evidence in any legal proceeding between the parties.

Supply of the Service
live4free.com may upgrade a purchased product/service to a similar or better product/service at its discretion.
live4free.com will not be responsible for a delay or disruption for failures on the Internet and/or servers of the Company that are not under the Company’s control and that cause an interruption in viewing the Site.
In the case of technical malfunctions, the Company will be required to provide the Customer with the Service, immediately after the conclusion of the malfunction, with no compensation, credit or claim of any other kind.

Information Prohibited for Publication
The User of the Site hereby undertakes:
To use the Services in accordance with the terms of use and subject to the operating provisions and instructions provided from time to time by the Site Administrator.
Not to penetrate into material and/or computer files illegally and/or transfer computer software, computer code or applications that include viruses, including hostile programs known as trojan horses, worms, vandals, malicious applications and the like, to other computers and/or to use or interrupt other computers.
Not to include passwords, usernames and other details that enable use of computer software, digital files, websites or services that require registration or payment without payment or registration as stated.
Not to include any material that may deceive a consumer or User of the Site.
To refrain from using software that contains a threatening nature, is profane, racist, oroffensive, or pornographic or sexually explicit nature that may offend public sensibilities. Additionally, to refrain from use of content that may damage symbols of the State, government symbols, including royalist symbols, and any harm to its flag, historic and heritage sites.
Not to abuse visitors of the Site with bothersome or obscene requests.
Not to include in content uploaded any material that constitutes an infringement of privacy and/or infiltration to it, sedition, misleading, breach of copyrights, breach of trademarks and tradenames, designs, patents and any other rights abused by third parties, commercial torts and/or harm to the right to a good reputation and/or harm to contractual rights and/or fiduciary duties to others and/or any other breach of any law.
To refrain from flooding the chat and/or forums and/or blogs with pointless messages.
To make use of content that broadcasts junk mail, spam or sends mass emails or SMS messages that are not requested by the recipients. In addition, not to include content that relates, directly or indirectly, to radio/mobile phone services and/or terminal equipment, and/or any type of service provided or that will be provided directly or indirectly by the operators of the radio / mobile phone/terminal equipment, unless approved in advance and in writing by the operator.
Not to make use of offensive or harmful language that may insult or harm Users of the Site.
Not to bother users of the forum, chat or blog, not to harm users and not to violate the law in any other manner.
Not to upload to the Site, including the active forum, any illegal material or material that encourages, supports, provides instructions for or guides the performance of an action that constitutes a criminal offense or may harm a person or group of persons.
Not to include any material constituting defamation of a person.
To refrain from publishing material that is prohibited under the provisions of any law.
Not to incite racism, harm to another person, murder or an offense.
Not to publish personal information of individuals or phone numbers of other means of communication.
Not to perform commercial publications through the user card, forums or blogs on the Site.
To use the Services in accordance with the terms of use and subject to the operating provisions and instructions provided from time to time by the Site Administrator.
Not to send messages in a manner that causes complaints from recipients.
Not to include any material related to minors and identify them, their personal information or addresses, and means of communication with them.
Not to include any information that may mislead a User of the Site. For the avoidance of doubt, it is clarified that it is strictly forbidden to impersonate another person or publish the picture of a person who is not a User.
Not to direct any link or provide another reference to material the publication of which is prohibited under this document.

live4free.com is a website that may include commercial information provided for publication on behalf of various advertisers. Such information may be provided by way of text, video, images or voice. Publication of commercial or advertising material does not constitute a recommendation or encouragement to purchase the Services, assets or products offered for sale, including the Company’s products. The Site Administrator will not bear any responsibility for the content of the commercial information or advertisements published on live4free.com. The Site Administrator is not responsible for the content of these advertisements or their veracity. Sole responsibility for the content of the advertisements and commercial information will apply to the advertisers. Any transaction performed following an announcement or information published on live4free.com will be performed directly between the purchaser and relevant advertiser. The Site Administrator will not be a party to any such transaction, and will not be responsible for services and products offered in advertisements and publications on live4free.com or purchased through them.
Access to the live4free.com Site
Access to the site is limited to those registered as members on the site and the use thereof is dependent on providing a user name and/or email address and/or password. The site administrator will have the sole and absolute discretion to determine which services and sections will be dependent on registration as stated.
The site administrator may add to or change, from time to time, the access rules to sections and services or to condition access thereto on the approval of terms according to the discretion of the site administrator. The site administrator reserves for itself the right to determine the payment policy for the services provided thereby.
The site administrator will not bear any liability for issues with access and/or browsing on behalf of the user due to any failure of the end equipment located in their possession.

The site administrator does not undertake that all of the links found on live4free.com will be working and will lead to operational Internet websites. The site administrator may remove links from live4free.com that were included in the past, or abstain from adding new links, all according to its sole discretion. The fact that a link may be found on live4free.com that leads to a specific site does not constitute approval to the fact that the information on this site is complete, reliable, updated or trustworthy.
live4free.com will not bear any liability regarding the content of linked sites and to information published thereupon, or to any other detail connected thereto, and shall not be liable to any direct or indirect damage caused as a result of the use or reliance upon the information appearing on these sites.

Intellectual Property
Any copyrights and intellectual property of live4free.com including videos, the name and trademark of live4free.com, and site design including content published therein by the site administrator or anyone on its behalf and any software, application, computer code, graphic file, picture, text and any other material included therein belong to the site administrator alone.
Additional content may be found on live4free.com that is published according to an agreement between the site administrator and a third party. The copyrights in these contents belong to the third party and/or the site administrator, all in accordance to what is agreed upon between the parties. These contents, or any part thereof, should not be copied, duplicated, distributed, marketed or sent to the public without the express, advance and written consent from the owner of the rights thereto. Without the approval of the owner of the rights to the site, no action of reproduction, duplication, scanning, publishing, public presentation and/or transfer of information published on the site should be performed via mail, fax, email, the Internet or other digital means, whether for or without consideration. The use and/or publication of the information appearing on the site, on other sites and/or any other place and/or media, is absolutely prohibited. Similarly, it is strictly forbidden to perform any development and/or change and/or translation and/or transformation of information appearing on the system and/or based thereupon.
Trademarks and advertisements of publishers on the site are the property of these publishers alone and/or the property of the site administrator. For any provision of information designated for publication on live4free.com, the provision for publication thereof will deem the party providing it as the owner of rights thereof and that it may provide them for publication. The essence of providing information for publication grants the Site Administrator a license that is free, worldwide and not limited by time to copy, duplication, distribute, market, sell, provide to the public and use the information as stated, according to its sole discretion on the site and any other site of the Site Administrator that will be added to live4free.com and any other or additional publication of the site administrator via any communications means.

Liability of the Site Administrator
The Services and information provided in live4free.com will be used as is. They cannot be adapted to each person. The Users will not have any claim, demand or allegation vis-a-vis the Site Administrator for the content and nature of the information and Services, their abilities, limitation and the suitability to their needs.
The Site Administrator does not guarantee that messages and/or information and/or data published on live4free.com will be valid. The Site Administrator hereby declares that it will not bear any liability for the content of the information or any result that arises from the publication thereof. The Site Administrator will not be liable for any use made by a third party of details published on the Site, including the profile pages.
The Site Administrator does not guarantee that details provided to live4free.com by the advertisers on the Site are complete, correct or accurate. The Site Administrator is unable to review the veracity of the information provided to it. The Site Administrator is not responsibile for any result that arises from reliance on information published on live4free.com by third parties, including Users.
The Site Administrator does not guarantee that the services of live4free.com will not be disrupted, will function in an orderly manner or without interruption, will function safely and without error, will be immune from unauthorized access to computers o the Site or computers of users, or against damage, malfunctions, failures or flaws in hardware, software, communication lines and systems, with the Site Administrator or any of its suppliers.

Blocking Access
The Site Administrator may prevent any user from use of any of the activities on the Site, all at its sole discretion and without prior notice. Additionally, the Site Administrator may invalidate the validity of a username and password and cancel membership for the Site. The Site Administrator will do so if it becomes aware that terms set forth in this document were breached or if it discovers an action or inaction that is contrary to the law or that harms or may harm activities on the Site, its users, the Site Administrator or any party on its behalf, and for any other reason that the Site Administrator sees fit at its absolute discretion.
The provisions of this section will not derogate from the rights of the Site Administrator under law and under the additional provisions of these terms of use and additional online terms on the Site.

Any User of the Site undertakes to indemnify the Site Administrator for any damage, loss, loss of profit, payment or expense incurred, including attorneys fees and legal expenses following a breach of these terms of use and/or following use of the Site other than in accordance with these Articles.

Technical Support
The Site Administrator will make efforts to assist in locating a solution to technical issues related to use of the Site based on requests received via email alone and/or other means of communication, as published from time to time on the Site.

Removal of Information
The Site Administrator may remove any material that is provided by users of the Site, including profile pages, at its sole discretion. Inter alia, the Site Administrator may remove information as stated for technical reasons, or if the information published or the manner with which it is published conflicts with the Law or any of the terms of use of the Site, and for other reasonable reasons, including a concern of forgery or publication of details of a third party against its will. The above does not require the Site Administrator to monitor the content at its initiative and will not constitute an undertaking in favor of a third party.
The Site Administrator may sell any material that it published, at its sole discretion.
Any content or information as stated may be deleted after a set period of time. The Site Administrator does not guarantee that information and/or advertisement on the Site on a given date will continue to be published on the Site in the future.
The Site Administrator may continue to publish information even if removed from the Site in the past.
Changes to the Site and Termination of Service
The Site Administrator reserves the right to change, from time to time, the structure of the Site, including its services, design, scope and the availability of the services provided thereon, and any aspect involved in the same, all without being required to provide advance notice of the same. Such changes will be performed, inter alia, considering the dynamic nature of the Internet and the technological and other changes taking place.
Users will not have any claim, demand and/or allegation against the Site Administrator for the performance of changes as stated and/or malfunctions that occur following their performance. It is hereby clarified that no change will serve as a leniency and/or change to the relationships in the engagement between the Site Administrator and the Users based on these Terms of Use.
Some of the services on live4free.com are provided on an hourly basis free of charge. The Site Administrator may cease to provide these services at any time, in whole or in part.
The Site Administrator will make every effort in order to ensure that the operation of the Site will take place in an orderly manner; however, there may be interruptions in the Internet that are not related to the live4free.com site and for which the Site Administrator is not responsible.

In the event that the Site Administrator has transferred its rights in the Site, or part thereof, to a third party, the Site Administrator may also assign its rights, in whole or in part, under these Terms of Use.
It is hereby declared that titles of sections in this Agreement are provided for the sake of convenience alone, and will not be used for interpretation of the Agreement or any of its provisions.

Governing Law and Jurisdiction
Use of the live4free.com site will be subject to the laws of the State of Israel and them alone.
Your use of the Site testifies that you accept the jurisdiction as it appears in this Agreement, and you accept the definition of the jurisdiction as set forth above.